Sleeping Safely for babies

Sleeping Safely

Recommendations For Sleeping Safely;

These recommendations for sleeping safely are for healthy babies without any medical conditions. This is because It aims to prevent accidents. It also helps parents have better sleep and feel more relaxed, knowing that their baby’s environment is being provided, and sleep is safe;

Place of Sleep;
The baby’s place of sleep is the first and most important thing to discuss. Liliana Amaro- Infant Sleep Coach (Certified in Infant Sleep Safety by the Government of Queensland Australia) recommends that the baby has his own space to sleep. It is not advised that the baby sleeps in the middle of the parents or with the mother, in the first days of birth. This prevents any of the parents from rolling and crushing the baby due to fatigue. It also prevents the mother from falling asleep with the baby in her arms and suddenly releasing it. It is because of this that some hospitals have nurseries that provide parents with a full rest while health personnel supervises newborns without the worry that parents would fall tired. 

Co-sleeping is not prohibited, but the practice with newborns who have been in an incubator or intensive care is usually dangerous. This is because they are more delicate babies in general health.

Type of Bedding;
The type of bedding used for the baby is another recommendation within the same category. Beddings should be made of natural fibers and should be the appropriate size for the baby. Things that are too large, hairy, or synthetic should not be used.

Clothing must be appropriate to the baby’s climate. It is not recommended to cover the baby’s head. It is better to protect or cover the crib outside if you believe that the baby is exposed to the cold.

Ornaments and Toys;
Avoid excess ornaments and toys inside the crib. The crib should contain only the blankets that the baby will use during the night.
Blankets and sheets are recommended completely stretched and stuck under the mattress.

Exposure to Smoke;
An environment with exposure to smoke is not recommended. The most common cases of sudden crib death usually occur when one or both parents smoke. Without crediting death to exposure to tobacco smoke, this precaution comes from the statistics made.

Sleeping Position;
Lie the baby in a horizontal position and on his back. This is the recommendation that should be followed, and it is advised at least during the first year of life or until the baby turns alone. Changes in the sleep pattern will likely occur when the baby begins to turn.

The space where the baby sleeps should have good ventilation, airflow, and temperature appropriate to the climate of the place where you live.

Alcohol Intake By Parents;
It is 100% recommended that the baby does not share the bed with the parents if they ingest or have ingested alcohol.

See a Doctor;
In conclusion, do not stop visiting the doctor if you suspect or notice something strange in the baby. Getting a medical opinion is always much better, even if it seems exaggerated.

About the author

Lilian Amaro

Liliana Amaro the founder of Sleep My Baby (ZMB) and Sleep Baby Expert, certified as Child & Baby Sleep Consultant, Lactation Consultant, Baby Massage instructor, Baby Signing Instructor, Brisbane based; Is born in México City, Mother of three and with a professional successful career in the Design industry, enjoys coaching families internationally covering many regions in North and South America, Europe, and Australia. Sleep My Baby was established to provide support to parents with newborn babies, infants, toddlers, twins, and kids under 10 who struggle to sleep at night. With many years of experience and well-established Sleep Coaching practice Liliana is proud to share her success on helping families to sleep and can offer warranty results. (ZMB & Sleep Baby Expert offers services in two languages: Spanish and English).

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5 rounds of

  • 5 inch worms
  • 10 push ups
  • 10 squats
  • 30s – 1min plank
  • 30s – 1min bridge