
mindful moving Programs

kids yoga-Fit & Mindfulness

Our long-term aim is to help decrease obesity and anxiety in kids by teaching them how to obtain healthy habits and how to work well with others.  We love to partner with schools, early learning centres and community organisations to focus on fitness for kids by running our signature Yoga-Fit & Mindfulness Programs. 

We compliment any Health and Physical Education program, specialised wellbeing program or after-school program. We like also to tailor our programs so we can work towards a common goal together and teach kids that they are responsible for their own health and fitness.

Our programs are designed to suit your kids’ needs, and as always make sure they have FUN, enjoy their FITNESS and learn HEALTHY HABITS!

*We offer programs in most States & Territories.


Please add your details below and we will be in touch!

5 rounds of

  • 5 inch worms
  • 10 push ups
  • 10 squats
  • 30s – 1min plank
  • 30s – 1min bridge