Winter is on its way and with Covid19 related issues still doing the rounds on every news channel, skipping on the quintessential seasonal flu has never been more alluring!
But, if like me you believe in the power of natural remedies first and foremost for precautionary measures, then you’ve come to the right place.
We’ve got you covered with some powerful natural solutions that are going to help you kick the the pesky flu to the kerb!
Is the Flu getting worse every year?
Like all living things, viruses are becoming smarter with experience.
Though the flu vaccination is a tempting potential solution for many of us, many fear that immunisations may perhaps assist with strengthening bacterial defence systems making it a tougher fight for our antibodies and some even believe that we may have a mega flu no antibiotic will be able to cure in the not too distant future. It’s important to note that there is no scientific proof that this does currently occur however.
Ancient, natural solutions to dealing with, and often preventing viruses such as the flu are making a comeback for good reason.
These natural fixes direct from Mother Nature have limited (and in many cases) no side effects, making the daily uses of them a no brainer for a lot of us. Another added benefit to this formidable mix of a power shot is the good wholesome nutritional value many of these remedies contain which is making many of us ask why didn’t we do this sooner!?
Turmeric that Sore Throat away
This ancient Ayurvedic remedy is not only known to keep the horrible effects of the flu (congested chests and sore throats) from knocking on your door, making this part of your daily ritual ensures that you protect yourself from arthritic pain and inflammation of the joints and muscles for life.
Drinking what the West refers to as Golden Milk twice a day is said to have amazing positive effects on our immunity as well and has been used by yogis and Ayurvedic practitioners in India for centuries.
Making this drink is easy! All you have to do is combine one teaspoon of turmeric in a glass of milk with some freshly ground black pepper (to assist in better absorption by your body) and heat on the stove. Consume this twice daily – once in the morning and once at night before you sleep. For those of us who have a bit of a sweet tooth, try mixing some organic honey to the concoction to make the drink more palatable.
Lemon Juice to the Rescue!
Combine the powerful benefits of Vitamin C and Honey first thing in the morning and you will never go wrong.
Not only is Lemon a great source of vitamin C, coupled with the wonderful immune building and anti-oxidant components of Organic Honey, we’re not surprised this magical gift from our beautiful planet has the flu and pollen shaking in their menacing boots.
Mix the juice from half a freshly squeezed Organic Lemon with a teaspoon of Organic Honey in lukewarm water and drink first thing in the morning. This is a morning power drink packing a three way punch, it’s great for weight loss (remember, making sure we work on ourselves in winter ensures we have that bikini body for summer!), it’s great for your skin and it’ll build your immune system to a level that’s going to have the Hulk green (or greener) with envy.
Spice up your life with some Fresh, Natural Food
Even though there is no comprehensive proof that organic is actually better for you, there’s considerable evidence that eating the way nature always intended is a healthier option – just do a Google search on the topic and you’ll see what I mean!
It makes sense to use what Earth has created for us seeing as we’re just one of her many creations. It’s interesting how every continent has managed to come up with something useful naturally for its inhabitants. India has Neem (The Tree of the 21st Century as declared by the United Nations), Australia has Tea Tree Oil, the United States has Echinacea while Europe has Geranium. Nature’s made it so there’s something for everyone.
What this signals to Organic enthusiasts is that the environment knows best. There’s a reason why certain plants and herbs are native to the areas that they are and only grow in the seasons they do. Mother Nature knows her stuff. Your body requires the nutrients and properties that seasonal fruits and vegetables are composed of at the time they grow and flourish in order to remain healthy and active.
Your body wants organic and naturally made and grown produce and though there is no official proof that you need it, I would personally rather rely on my internal organs knowing best than what some scientist (possibly financed or aligned to some large multinational) is preaching.
Say Goodbye to the Flu this Winter!
We just showed you three easy to implement, simple, amazingly fast and potently natural ways to ensure you and your family’s health during the next couple of cold months.
Don’t be slowed down by the annoying pain and lethargy the flu brings with it, equip yourself with these easy to follow natural, ancient practices today and build your immune system to a level that will make viruses and pollens run the other way instead of attacking your powerhouse of antibodies.
Do you have any other natural remedies to fighting against the flu? Let us know in the Comments.